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  1. adehlei
    September 2, 2024 @ 4:43 am

    i need yuta to an astronomical extent


    • cam owo
      September 8, 2024 @ 9:04 pm



  2. itslukas..09
    September 3, 2024 @ 4:27 am

    whats the point in life im here reading whilst listening to frank ocean i have never felt worse (this is not a suicidal note hah) (maybe)


    • JJK User
      September 3, 2024 @ 1:01 pm


      • Anonymous
        September 7, 2024 @ 12:46 am

        We love you dawg, Jesus does too.


    • UrDailyDoseOfUranium
      September 3, 2024 @ 2:49 pm

      Get help man hope u get better:)


    • mr.b
      September 5, 2024 @ 5:30 am

      lukas, you never know what tomorrow brings. things will get better


    • Toe gee
      September 5, 2024 @ 6:34 am

      Pls no kill yourself


    • JOGOJO
      September 7, 2024 @ 8:43 am

      Stay true to the journey of life, stay true to the rythm… of the universe.


    • Anonymous
      September 8, 2024 @ 6:16 pm

      If you kill yourself you can’t see the rest of JJK animated 🙂


    • ri
      September 12, 2024 @ 2:59 pm

      pls don’t die that shit kills you.
      but fr, life has no point and that is exactly why it is so unexpectently beautiful,yet so unbearing, each one of us has to figure out how to give it meaning , yes if you had a set of instructions of how not to suffer it would be easier , meaningless existence hurts a lot but even staying one day longer can bring you unimaginable joy you would never experience otherwise. stay with us , finish this manga ,then start another ,each day will bring something different and each one of us will experience it differently.if you are not currently loved, I promise you will be. ps. it’s nvr fun without a bit of suffering 😉


    • ljaljavalja
      September 13, 2024 @ 9:26 pm

      Hey man, sending you a hug. It will be okay


  3. thukuna
    September 7, 2024 @ 3:28 pm

    I agree with toe gee


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